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Bringing Balance to Pet Nutrition
Clinton, Connecticutt

A pioneer and stand-alone presence in holistic pet nutrition, Side by Side is the only company committed to enhancing pet health using the principles of Eastern Food Therapy (EFT).  By providing nutritionally balanced, natural foods that align with the ancient wisdom of EFT, Side by Side recipes ensure happier and healthier lives for our furry family members. 

Our main focus at Side By Side is a back-to-basics approach that focuses on Food Energetics using only whole foods. A diet rich in whole foods allows dogs to efficiently absorb all the nutrients they need without the need for synthetic vitamins and minerals commonly found in commercial pet products. Each of our ingredients is thoughtfully selected to deliver important species-appropriate nutritional benefits. When the body is nourished with REAL nutrients from REAL food, it makes a difference.

At Food Energetics we formulate our batches using the time-tested method of Eastern Food Therapy, a proven practice for over 5000 years that each ingredient has energetic properties that can either negatively or positively impact your pet’s internal organs. When combined correctly, food can both nourish and aid in healing. We Nourish and Balance from the Inside Out.

Eastern food therapy (EFT)  

This 5,000-year-old practice seeks to recognize internal imbalances and uses food to nourish and support the overall system. A cornerstone of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) categorizes foods based on their inherent thermal nature and effects on the body, identifying their energetic properties as "Warming," "Cooling," or "Neutral."  As each dog's (and human's) body function is unique, EFT aims to harmonize the body's systems with foods that provide the appropriate counterbalance needed for that individual to break down better and metabolize them. 

Warming Foods invigorate the body, improving circulation and boosting metabolism. Warming Foods often require greater digestive system effort, which quickens metabolism and increases body temperature. 

Cooling Foods refresh and soothe, clearing toxins and regulating internal systems. They are also easier to digest, allowing the body's temperature to cool because less energy is needed to break down and absorb the nutrients.

Neutral Foods support equilibrium, maintaining healthy organ function and balance. Neutral (balanced) Foods help maintain equilibrium in the body. Neutral ingredients support a balanced dog as they do not tip the scale one way or another.

Benefits of EFT for Our Pets

Does My Pet Need a Warming, Cooling, or Neutral diet?

There are many ways to determine if there are any internal imbalances; a key indicator is the tongue. The only internal body part we can see is the tongue, which has been used as a diagnostic tool in EFT for thousands of years. This muscle organ's texture, color, tone, hue, and shade help identify the body's metabolic state and constitution. 

Side by Side's patented AI-powered Balance Indicator makes it easy to choose the perfect foods to support your pet's wellness and balance!

Upload a picture of your pet smiling, playing, on a walk, or any photo that shows their tongue, and the Balance Indicator will analyze the image and recommend the best options for your pet based on its assessment. 

About Side by Side Pet

Whole-Food Nutrition: Side By Side utilizes a back-to-basics approach focused on Food Energetics and nutrition derived from only whole, unaltered foods. Free from any synthetic ingredients, Side by Side provides the nutrients our pets need to thrive in their purest, natural form. Our whole food ingredients are carefully selected to ensure each recipe is nutritious and made to strengthen each recipe's intended warming, cooling, or neutral effects on the body. Give your pets the balance they deserve and spend many happy and healthy years together, side by side.

Learn more about EFT and the benefits of whole food nutrition at


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